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Expert Insights on Domains and Hosting in the UAE & Beyond
What if Another Business Claims They Have the Right to One of Our Domain Names?
It simply means only one person is allowed to use a specific domain name. Once a person registers a domain name related to the trademark, then any other person will be denied registering a domain name related to that trademark. Other applications fo...
What Should We Do if Someone Uses a Similar Domain Name To Profit From Our Brand or Take Advantage of Our Customers?
Suppose someone is using your trademark or intentionally passing themselves off as related to your business. You'll have a strong point for using a dispute domain name resolution procedure or taking court action against them. But if they have a lega...
What Can We Do if Someone Uses Our Trademark To Attract Visitors to Their Website?
Some domains can be trademarked, and some cannot. You don't need a trademarked domain name to enforce your brand name and keep others from using related domai...
How Is It Decided Who Has the Best Claim to a Disputed Domain Name OR the Logic of the Domain Name Dispute Process?
The domain name registration process relies on a first-come-first-served basis by administrators and registrars. Registration ...
How To Avoid URL Blacklisting in Google & Other Search Engines?
URL blacklisting is one of the scariest problems your company might face. Once your site is blacklisted, you'll lose the traffic and your customer's trust because the site will be considered a...
How To Fix a Site With Different Extensions (.PHP, .HTML, .Htm, etc.) That Bring Up the Same Page Also Leads to Duplication and Potentially Wasted Link Value.
This is the duplicate URL problem. It's possible to have different URLs that lead to the home page. Most websites have www and non-www duplication, which can result in a lot of unnecessary duplications for example : https://www.aeserver.c...
What Can Cause a Cluttered Homepage?
Your home page is the first impression of your website. One of the most common mistakes users make is trying to present too much information on the home page, which will cause it to become cluttered. A cluttered home page will not give visitors a us...
Incorrect Use of Header and Meta Tags in Websites?
The headers you use in your content are essential for various reasons. The correct use of headers, such as proper keywords, allows users to get an idea about your content and what it is about. These headers help search engines identify your content'...
What Are the Common Mistakes in Setting Up Your Landing Pages?
Landing page and conversion rates work side by side. A landing page is essential to your ability to convert leads. It helps in iterating the benefits of your offers, keeping leads focused, and keeping higher conversions. Following are the biggest mi...
How Can a Broken Link Impact Your Website Ranking?
The presence of broken links is why you can lose your website traffic. These are usually the links that don't work. It can be a link that directs visitors to a page outside your website or a page inside your website. When a visitor clicks on a broke...
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