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Unleash the Power of Your Web Presence

Expert Insights on Domains and Hosting in the UAE & Beyond
What Is a Backdoor Virus and How To Prevent Backdoor Attacks?
Backdoors are typical and sometimes not necessarily malicious. However, it can make your system more vulnerable to attack. Hackers can take advantage and gain access to your system without you even knowing. The most dangerous thing about backdoor a...
Does My Website Need SSL? Know Why It Really Matters!
Google gives preference to websites with SSL certificates for better search engine rankings. This is why every business should think about having an SSL certificate on their website.
Malvertising – How to Protect Yourself from Malicious Advertisements?
You can face many online threats when you surf online, and these threats don't only hide on malicious websites. By accident, you can infect your computer with malware when visiting trusted sites if you are not careful. The reason? Malvertising! Adv...
What Is a Spoofing Attack and How To Prevent Spoofing Attacks?
Spoofing is a malicious activity that can happen through communication channels like text messages, phone calls, emails, IP addresses, servers, etc. More technically, it can involve DNS servers. The primary purpose of spoofing is to collect user da...
Cybersecurity Checklist for Small and Medium Businesses
If you ever have researched cybersecurity, you definitely know no one is immune to hacking and gaining access to your computer system. Post-pandemic cybersecurity for small and medium-sized businesses has become more critical than ever. The rise of...
Cloud Security Risks & Threats in 2023, and How to Avoid Them
Maybe you don't realize it, but we have been using cloud computing for over a decade! Ever sent an attachment to the email to yourself from your home computer to access th...
Ten Essential WooCommerce Security Tips To Keep Your Online Store Safe
Fact: WooCommerce helps you to set up an online store. It is a famous plugin for WordPress used by more than 25% of total WordPres...
Security Services to Monitor Personal Data Breaches | AEserver Guide
Today, the world is facing highly sophisticated data breaches, threats, and attacks because cyber attackers still manage to deploy their harmful intent and new ways of gaining access to your network. You may often hear about data breaches; even the...
Is My WordPress Site Secure? Ten Essential Steps To Protect Your WordPress Site
Your website may be important to your livelihood. You have spent a lot of money, time and effort in creating and maintaining your website. And after all this, you never want to lose your website. ...
Best Practices To Secure a Domain (Guide)
Choosing and registering a domain is the first step to your online presence. It's much more than just a website address. It's a valuable part that represents your business; therefore, it's necessary to protect it against mal...
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