
Ten Free & Paid Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Feeling overwhelmed by the variety of options for driving traffic to your website? You’re not alone.

We are here to help.

The good news is, You don’t need to spend money on fancy marketing campaigns to attract more visitors. Instead, you can follow the strategies below to get organic traffic to your website free of charge.

Ten Free & Paid Ways to Get Website Traffic

Following are the effective strategies to grow your website traffic for free.

Improve Your SEO

Search engine optimization is a process that helps you to improve your website traffic in terms of quality and quantity. SEO is something you can’t miss. It gives your website a significant boost of traffic.

The basis of Search Engine Optimization works on keywords. When you search for something in the search bar, what you enter is called a keyword. Search engines match these keywords with the websites that include content related to that keyword. And websites with the best match appear at the top of the search engine result page and get the most traffic.

The Ultimate Round-Up of SEO Tips

Optimize the Website’s Performance

The speed of your website matters a lot in gaining traffic. People don’t like to wait more than 4 seconds to load a page. The more visitors are clicking away from your website, the more your bounce rate is.

A high bounce rate directly impacts your website’s SEO because the bounce rate determines your website ranking in SERP.

It’s a bad sign for Google analytics and similar other traffic checking tools if visitors leave your site too early. These tools will consider that the traffic you’re getting is not useful.

The reasons for a high bounce rate can be simple. Maybe your website has a poor design. Maybe your landing pages don’t leave good impressions, or maybe your website is down due to server issues.

Start your website’s optimization with a Google search console that allows you to monitor the performance and health status of your website.

Focus on your website design and make it more user-friendly and device friendly.

Always use reliable hosting. Our UAE-based hosting provides fast performance and guaranteed 99.99% uptime to maintain your traffic.

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Participate in Social Discussion Forums

Try participating in social discussion forums where anyone can ask questions or answer them.

You can participate by asking questions or responding to an existing question in your niche. By doing this, you can establish your authority and generate traffic for your website.

Make sure you have the ability to direct users from your social profile so that they know where to go and find more about you.

Social Media Strategies

One of the best ways to get traffic is to meet where the target audience hangs out on the web.

Today almost everyone is using social media. Increasing your social media marketing efforts can help you gain website traffic and increase brand awareness.

It is not about seeking a few Facebook groups and starting spamming about your products and services. Remember, users don’t visit their social media accounts to be sold. You can’t immediately talk about sales on their face.

Start by introducing yourself first, make sure to provide value, and develop a positive relationship with the audience.

You can do this by joining Instagram and relevant Facebook groups, sharing informative posts and updates about your company, hosting contests and leaving thoughtful comments.

Link Building Strategies

Link building is the direct approach to getting free website traffic. It is a practice where a user shares a link that directs traffic from one website to your website and vice versa.

Suppose someone likes an article on your blog and uses it as a reference on their own blog linking to the original post. As a result, the visitors to other websites can become returning visitors to your site too.

If your content is good enough and you get backlinks from reputable websites, it will tell the search engines that your content is worth recognition.

Here are some effective link building strategies:

  • Engage with your audience by posting informative and shareable posts and encourage your followers to respond and share.
  • Work with PRs to generate brand awareness.
  • Choose relevant and unique publications and post guest blogs on their page.

Why Is SEO Important for Your Business Growth | SEO Guide

Guest Posting

Guest blogging or guest posting is a method where you write for other blogs. In return, the site owner will allow you to link back to your site.

But why does anyone publish your work? Because everyone is looking for quality content. If you provide a helpful and well-researched post for free, people are more likely to publish it on their website. After all, it benefits their audience without any cost.

Why would you give your content for free? Because it will help you gain access to hundreds or maybe thousands of new users, many of those could become long-term customers.

Here are the benefits of guest posting:

  • Increase brand awareness.
  • More backlinks that correlate with ranking.
  • More referral traffic.

Email Marketing

Email marketing campaigns attract more traffic to your website and keep those users engaged with your content.

And if you make the right moves, you might get them to come back for more.

Create an email list that allows you to send promotional content to your customers. The list may include questions, sale alerts, asking for feedback, etc.

Run Webinars

Running webinars is the newest trend and a great way to interact with your audience directly. It attracts more traffic and new customers to your website.

A webinar is basically an online promotional and informative event for people who would like to interact with your business more directly.

You can share your ideas, talk about your business’s future, talk about your products, introduce new products or host a live Q/A session to engage with your audience.

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Influencer Marketing

Another effective way of generating tons of traffic to your website is influencer marketing.

Influencers are people who have a large number of followers, from thousands to millions, on social media platforms.

You can ask influencers to promote your services or products to their followers. Some influencers prefer being paid for their services, and some simply enjoy the free products or services that your business provides.

Make sure to pick an influencer who covers similar topics; otherwise, you’ll risk getting traffic that won’t stay long on your website.

Provide Good Customer Service and Ask Customers for Review

Ramping up your marketing efforts to gain website traffic will be useless if you provide poor customer service.

The majority of customers buy more if they experience pleasant customer service. Even when a user complains, it’s important to offer the best service, so they come back for more.

Tips for good customer service:

  • Reply promptly.
  • Offer multiple suggestions for customer problems.
  • Apologize for your mistakes and offer refunds/coupons.

After great customer service, you can request feedback from your customers.

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve included the tactics that are completely free but remember gaining free traffic will take a little time. So be patient until you see the real results. Of Course, if you have a budget and want to spend, you can always buy paid traffic from platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

To be clear, we also do this at AEserver. These strategies have helped us to grow our revenue.

So, feel free to experiment with at least a few of the above free and paid traffic gaining strategies.

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