UAE’s .ae Domain Boom: Tapping Into the Fastest Growing Digital Space in the Arab Region

The UAE’s Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) announced an impressive achievement that 46,000 new .ae domains were registered in the UAE in 2022, which brings the total number of domain names to 300,000 until the first quarter of 2023. This 20% growth increase represents .ae as the most widely used and fastest-growing domain name in the Arab region.

The rapid increase in .ae domains reflects the growing interest of government bodies, businesses, and individuals in utilizing the national domain for its several benefits, such as local credibility, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property protection.

The .ae domain has several features, including the availability of distinct names, exceptional user experience, and easy and quick registration. Emiratis can easily register their domain names and other activities within minutes through the list of accredited registrars approved by TDRA. It provides peace of mind in the security of the registration process.

The director of TDRA, Abdulrahman Al Marzouqi, reinforced the importance of registering emiratis in .ae domain names. He said UAE’s economy provides a competitive advantage for businesses and individuals that utilize a .ae domain, as it ties them to this economic strength. It brings confidence to customers and partners that own the domain. Moreover, there are other benefits, including the possibility of acquiring a name relevant to the nature of the business or brand identity. Currently, 23 accredited companies compete to provide domain registration services at competitive pricing and various service options.

Al Marzouqi further added TDRA takes the protection of trademark owners very seriously. We implemented a fair dispute policy that helps ensure unbiased judgments, safeguarding the rights of trademark owners. Additionally, the .ae domain contributes to a more secure digital society by easily tracking the registration process and registrants. Clear policies have been implemented to prevent technology misuse, further enhancing the security of the digital society.

The substantial increase in .ae domain registrations highlights the UAE’s economic importance as a significant hub in the Middle East. International companies like Amazon and Google using the .ae domain only reaffirm its recognition.

The newly launched .ae website uses ChatGPT technology to develop further the UAE national domain, which offers advantages like speed and the suggestion of unique domain names based on a user’s description. This advantage highlights the UAE’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to further enhance user experience and service quality.

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