
What Is a Subdomain?

In the vast world of the Internet, there is a secret world hiding inside web addresses. And it’s called subdomains. But don’t worry, it’s not a treasure map or a private handshake club. Subdomains are like secret compartments in your house. They help you organize and manage different parts of your website. Imagine you have a large family photo album. And you want your vacation photos to be kept separate from photos taken at family gatherings. So you create separate sections for each, such as “Vacation” and “Family Parties.” Subdomains work the same way. Multiple subdomains provide a neat sorting of the different parts of your site. But that’s not all. Subdomains also give each section its unique address. It is similar to if each section of your photo album had its label. It would make it easier for people to find the information they need on your site. Are you interested in learning more about subdomains and how to choose a subdomain name? Let’s dive into the world of Internet organization and learn about it!

How Subdomains Work

Subdomains are like the big city neighborhoods of the Internet of your primary domain. Let’s uncover the technical side of how they work. At the heart of this system is the Domain Name System (DNS). Think of it like a giant phone book for the Internet. When you type in a web address, DNS translates it into a numeric IP address. It is this IP address that your computer uses to find websites. Your primary domain (e.g., “yourwebsite.com”) is like the heart of your online presence. It is your full name in the Internet phone book. Getting domain subdomains, on the other hand, are like your aliases branching off from your main domain. They help you organize and manage different parts of your site. For example, let’s say your main domain is “yourwebsite.com.” You can create subdomains such as “blog.yourwebsite.com” for your blog. Or why not make “shop.yourwebsite.com” for your online store? Each subdomain has unique content, like individual houses on the same street. So, if someone types in “blog.yourwebsite.com,” DNS directs them to the blog section of your website. Subdomains make it easier for users to navigate your site. They keep things organized, like having different rooms in your online home. Here’s how subdomains work in technical terms!

Why Are Subdomains Important?

Subdomains are essential for several reasons. They help keep your site well organized, making it easier for you and your visitors. We’ve prepared a few reasons why it’s beneficial for you to get and find subdomains of a domain:

  • Improved organization. Subdomains act like different rooms in the house where you locate your website. They allow you to neatly separate sections, such as a blog, store, or forum. This structure makes it easy to manage and update each section without creating chaos.
  • Improved user experience. Subdomains simplify navigation for website visitors. They can easily find what they are looking for. They just need to type the name of the subdomain. It improves their experience and makes them happy.
  • SEO Benefits. Search engines like Google treat subdomains as separate entities. If your blog is a subdomain (e.g., “blog.yourwebsite.com”), it can have its SEO strategy. It has different keywords and rankings. It can increase the overall visibility of a site with multiple subdomains. You can increase the likelihood of it appearing in search results.

In short, subdomains are like a secret weapon for your website. They make it both neat, user-friendly, and search engine friendly.

Use Cases for Subdomains

Subdomains are like Swiss Army knives on the Internet. They offer a myriad of practical applications. Just as a single tool can fulfill multiple functions, subdomains can serve various purposes. We invite you to learn the uses of subdomains. But before you start preemption, you should know how to choose a subdomain name. When choosing a subdomain name, keep it short, relevant, and easy to remember. Reflect on its purpose. For example, use “blog” for the blog section or “flowers” for the flowers section. Avoid special characters and rarely use hyphens. It makes the text-heavy and too long. Make sure it matches the branding of the main domain. A clear and concise subdomain name makes it easier for visitors to navigate and recognize. So, let’s open the toolbox. Let’s learn how subdomains can be a valuable asset in different online scenarios. It will make your website more efficient, user-friendly, and responsive to specific needs.


In e-commerce, getting domain subdomains can be very useful. Imagine you have an online store. You can use subdomains to organize your products into categories. That is, you can use options such as: “shoes.yourstore.com” or “electronics.yourstore.com.” This way, customers will be able to find what they need quickly. Do you have a global business? Then, you can create regional subdomains. These are, for example, “us.yourstore.com” and “uk.yourstore.com.” Each of these subdomains focuses on a specific region. These are like separate shelves in a big store, making it easier for your customers to shop.

Blogs and Content

Do you have a blog and other types of content like videos or a forum? Then, using subdomains will help keep everything neat and organized. It will make it easier for visitors to find what they want. For example, “blog.yourwebsite.com” could be just for your blog. For example, “forum.yourwebsite.com” would be good for discussions. This division into subdomains of a domain will allow visitors to find the information they are looking for easily. It will make your site user-friendly and pleasant to explore.

Corporate Websites

For corporate sites, subdomains are like separate offices. You can use them to separate different divisions or subsidiaries. For example, “hr.company.com” could be the domain of the human resources department. “sales.company.com” would be suitable for the sales department. Such a division allows you to organize your work. You can clearly define the place of each division. It’s like giving each division its workspace in a large company building. It makes it easier to navigate and manage.

Multilingual Sites

You already know what a subdomain is. But we’ll let you know that you can use them as subdivisions in different languages. For example, “es.yourwebsite.com” might contain content in Spanish. A subdomain like “fr.yourwebsite.com” will support French. This separation makes it easier for visitors to choose their preferred language. It’s like having different floors in a library for books in different languages. It makes your site accessible and usable to a global audience.


Setting up Subdomains

Creating and getting domain subdomains is akin to building additional rooms in your digital home. Whether you’re building a personal blog, business website, or online store, understanding the process of acquiring and setting up domain subdomains is essential to streamlining your organization and enhancing your user experience. Think of subdomains as doors that lead to different segments of your website. Each door leads to a separate space with its unique content and functionality. This analogy simplifies the concept of subdomains. To help you realize the full potential of subdomains, we’ve decided to unlock all the secrets associated with them. As you explore this section, you will become a subdomain expert. You will become an expert who can turn your website into a well-organized and user-friendly digital space. Your site, like a well-designed house, will seamlessly guide visitors through the sections.

Using cPanel or Hosting Control Panels

If you’re using popular hosting platforms like cPanel, setting up subdomains is a breeze. First, log in to your hosting account and find the “Subdomains” or “Domains” section. Then, click on “Create a Subdomain.” Enter the subdomain name and choose which domain it belongs to. The hosting platform will handle the technical stuff, like creating a folder for your subdomain. Now, you can add content to your new subdomain just like you would with your main domain. It’s that simple!

Manual Configuration

If you find subdomains of a domain with manual configuration, such as AeServer, you must follow a few steps. First, log in to your hosting control panel. In the DNS settings, you need to add a new record. Specify the subdomain’s name and the IP address it should point to. It will allow the Internet to find your subdomain. You may also need to create a directory for the subdomain’s files. Once you have completed all these technical settings, the subdomain will be ready.

SSL Certificates

Securing subdomains with SSL/TLS certificates is vital to staying safe online. If you purchase an SSL certificate for your main domain, it usually extends to subdomains. However, for added protection, you should consider using a Wildcard SSL Certificate. Once you have it, install it in your hosting control panel. In this case, a small lock icon will appear on all subdomains to indicate a secure connection.

Subdomain Redirects

Creating redirects between multiple subdomains is quite simple. Most hosting control panels have options for setting up redirects. First, log into your control panel and find the “Redirects” section. Then, select the subdomain you want to redirect and specify the destination (another subdomain or URL). Once saved, the system will automatically direct visitors from the source subdomain to the target subdomain. It is similar to installing signs in your digital home directing guests to the correct room.


So, in this article, you have learned what a subdomain is. You understand it is a powerful tool for creating a well-organized and user-friendly website. They act as separate rooms, making it easy to manage and navigate your site. If you are intrigued and want to delve deeper into the world of subdomains, try AEserver. It is a robust platform for creating domain subdomains. AEserver will help you unlock the full potential of subdomains. You will be able to improve the structure of your website and its user-friendliness. So why not discover how subdomains can help with your specific tasks? Your digital journey awaits!


  • Can subdomains be used for business purposes?

    Yes, subdomains are versatile and valuable for business. They can separate different departments, create regional stores, or host specialized services, making business operations more organized and user-friendly.

  • How are subdomains managed through DNS?

    Subdomains are managed by configuring DNS records. Each subdomain is assigned its entry point to the relevant IP address. It enables the DNS system to route users to the correct subdomain.

  • Can subdomains enhance SEO for multilingual websites?

    Yes, subdomains can boost SEO for multilingual websites. Search engines treat subdomains as separate entities, allowing for targeted content and keyword optimization in different languages. It improves visibility in search results for diverse audiences.

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